eXtreme Movie Manager
(formerly DivxManager)
is a powerful software program used to manage your movie collection.
It lets you catalogue your collection with detailed information and supports
many video formats such as
DivX™, XviD™, DVD, VHS, SVHS, VCD,
DVD-R or
eXtreme Movie Manager is not just a
movie/video collection manager, it's also a movie and actor database
and a cover manager. With the exclusive
"MagicScript" Technology, and the
appropriate script, XMM
allows you to retrieve movie information (especially PICTURES,
from ANY online movie databases. With the
MagicScript EDITOR
you can also create and edit your own Scripts.
XMM is the
complete movie collection manager - you won't need any other piece of
software ;) |

GuidaTV e'
un software
appositamente creato per scaricare e
stampare gli orari dei programmi televisivi
in onda sulle reti principali italiane (solitamente vengono aggiornati ogni
giorno e si riferiscono alla programmazione dei sette (o piu') giorni
successivi).Essa vi permette anche di "Monitorare", ovvero di tenere sotto controllo, i
vostri programmi preferiti : se ad esempio state aspettando un particolare
Film o Telefilm ( ad esempio quando iniziera' una nuova stagione di "Ally
McBeal" ecc..) con un semplice Click GuidaTV fara' tutto il lavoro per
voi, senza perdere tempo ogni giorno con Televideo o guide Cartacee (I fan
di Star Trek sanno di cosa parlo molto bene). |

Derivato dalla GuidaTV, questa
applicazione scarica in maniera totalmente automatica la programmazione
televisiva da internet, ricerca particolari film o telefilm specificati in
un apposito file INI e salva i risultati in un database Access. I dati
raccolti possono cosi' essere usati per fornire informazioni nei siti web.
Il suo utilizzo e' nato in collaborazione con WEBTREK Italia, che con
GuidaTV Server puo' fornire ai propri visitatori i pailinsesti dove
verranno trasmesse puntate di Star Trek giorno per giorno. GuidaTV Server
puo' essere utilizzata per fornire informazioni su qualsiasi programma
televisivo, basta semplicemente configurare un file INI. Benche' freeware
il suo utilizzo in un sito web e' comunque possibile solo dopo

MagicScript Editor is a
powerful tool for build your Scripts.
"MagicScript" Technology
is a mini programmer-language that will allow you to make oriented-code to
obtain information from HTML pages.For this purpose, you can use the IF ,
REPEAT-WHILE statements and many others. With this Editor you can write,
run, execute step-by-step, debug and analyze all your Scripts. From 0.7,
Editor use colors to markup key-words. |

The Watcher is a Simple But
Powerfull Software that STAY RESIDENT in your Memory (You will see the Tray
Icon) and watch you CD-ROM in search of a Movie.
When you insert a CD that contains in the Root an AVI File, It Immediately
Launch Your Default Player.
This Software is Especially Useful if you have a PC Dedicated for Watching
Divx Movies : In this case you must only insert the Disk on CD-ROM & [The
Watcher] will start Player with appropriate COMMAND LINE (For Example if you
want start player in fullscreen ecc...) |

Option Optimum is a Visual Basic software for price
all the knowed financial option and Passport Options.
Raffaella Polchi's thesis is about a new type of financial instrument called
Passport Option. They are an interesting option type because they are
written on a traded account and they allow the buyer to do trading on the
underlyng. At the contract maturity, the buyer take all the extravalues and
the seller pays the loss. |

In This Section you can find
Open Source Projects made by me.

This site is dedicated to the Display LCD. Here you can find ready-to-use
applications (some of them free, others
commercial), drivers
& developing tools
for a professional use of this displays.Go to the Site Map
for some words about all section in this Web Page.
Now Enjoy the powerful of your display! |
This Page contains
instructions & software for create a Stereo Hi-Fi Mp3 BASED ON A PERSONAL
COMPUTER. The software is all free, except for the 128x64 Dot Matrix display
(not ready). The Stereo that I have made supports 2 LCD 20x4, an I/O
interface for drive 2 electric motors and a small keyboard for input. The
project is based on the very powerfull 'MPXPLAY' (You need MPXPLAY 1.42 !)
software for play MP3 files. If you have any question please
Enjoy! |
Megabase is a front-end for 10
different console. it allow you add roms manually or with a automatic
utility that can recognize roms renamed with GOOD TOOLS.

Release :
4.5 Beta
Freeware for non-commercial
In this section you can find
savestates for the various console and computers like Nintendo,
SuperNintendo, PSX, N64 etc... |
Member of
GAMEBASE64 Project
: an attempt to document ALL
Commodore64 Gameware before is too late... |

Member of Staff of
the italian web site dedicated to emulation's world |